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Tuesday, 20 April 2010


Only just got round to posting sorry! But anyway, Sunday we just had a fairly relaxed day which we spent in the garden taking in the suns rays, as ever! Decided to later brave the pool as it's temperature had gone up to 75 due to the outside temperature being at pretty much 100 degrees fahrenheit! Now that's just crazy.

Taking the opportune moment to push mum into the water I did so every so swiftly. Auntie Mandy was already in and quite content with her little pool lounger, however mum - the sun worshiper, was still on the steps debating getting in fully, of which, I 'assisted' with by pushing her in which caused a very loud screech followed by a 'LOUISE I'M GOING TO KILL YOU!' thanks Mum :) She of course also gave dad the all mighty glaring eye as he chuckled to himself  after giving approval of such an act.

After all deciding to get in, - and when I say 'all', I mean everyone apart from Uncle David who gave the pitiful excuse of 'I don't know where my swimming trunks are' to be commented on by Auntie Mandy who claimed 'David, what do you mean you don't know where they are, you have a draw full of them!' - he still didn't come in. - [anyway...] even the dogs joined us as Toby happily swam lengths with us in the pool, whereas Tia was just more interested on jumping on peoples heads and biting their toes as they swam. Thanks Tia.

We later got ready to go out for a meal at 'Black Angus' - a steakhouse. Did they cater for vegetarians? No. Does anywhere in the South West of America? No. Another night of chicken it was then.

Although, the triple chocolate with chocolate chunks and grated chocolate on top covered in melted hot fudge sauce with vanilla ice cream for dessert, did make up for it.

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